damage to property

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New Member
i have been arrested twice and im 18, my first case was for possession for drug paraphernalia and possession of alcohol as a minor, i got 3 months supervision and some fines. my other case got dismissed. i just got charged with damage to property for breaking this guys window on his car which i didn't do. the cops told me im screwed either way even if im innocent or not just because being arrested is bad enough while on supervision. the cops came to my house and my dad called me and the cop talked to me off my house phone and told me to be at the station within an hour to talk or i would have a warrant out.

so i go to the station and they didn't even ask me my side of the story so im getting charged with damage to property. is it really bad to get arrested while on supervision even if im innocent? and what can the outcome be since i am on supervision? any help will be greatly admired thanks.
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