Damages by Loan Officer

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New Member
My husband and I were interested in a property in Hawaii that was/is a difficult sale because it has an open permit. As you can imagine, most mortgage companies aren't willing to write the loan unless the sellers drop the permit, but the sellers refuse to. The sellers' agent found a local mortgage lender that is willing to write the loan. The condition is that a construction clause be built in so that the contractor can close the permit in 6 months max. According to the loan officer, our income would qualify us for $500K, which was the asking price, however, she assessed (with no knowledge whatsoever) that we would spend $100K on construction when our contractor had budgeted us for much less since we planned on simplifying the plans after purchasing the house. We had a plan and our math worked, so we made an offer that included the construction costs but at a much lesser price tag.

She then emailed the seller's agent all this private information and the seller's lost all confidence in us and chose a lesser offer instead. We were outraged! Its extremely difficult to buy a house here in Hawaii and we feel like she damaged a huge opportunity for us.

The company has sent us letters asking us to sign an acknowledgement as if we had agreed for them to release that information to the seller's agent. Can I sure them for damages?
I suggest that you speak with an attorney. Before you do any real estate deal, you should vet it with your attorney.

I'd let this go and consider myself lucky for not getting locked up with idiots. You're the big fish that got away.

You, as are we all, are free to sue anyone for anything. If suing pleases you, go for it.
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