Damages charged Beyond 21day Return Window

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New Member
Wisconsin law states that a LL has 21 days to return the sec deposit OR provide an itemized list for any deductions taken from the sec deposit. If a person damaged a property, but the LL for some reason did not return the Sec. Deposit OR give an itemized list for deductions within 21 days of the end of the lease, can the LL still legally charge the tenants for the damages? Meaning, the LL will have to return double the whole deposit (WI LAW) IF sued by tenants, but can they still sue (counterclaim OR different case?) for the damages the tenant has caused?

Edit- NVM, Yes the landlord CAN sue, but not against the deposit
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Did the tenant make certain the landlord was notified of the tenants new address?

Was any information regarding the security deposit (i.e., itemized list, remaining security deposit) returned at all? If so, how long after the 21 day state requirement?

In order to be considered for double the security deposit, the former tenant would have to file a lawsuit against the landlord (typically through Small Claims court) and the court would need to grant this judgement.

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