Dating someone on supervision/Pregnant


New Member
I work at Oregon child welfare. Am dating someone who is supervised by parole and probation. I announced my pregnancy to my supervisor, asked permission for my boyfriend to reside with me. Permission was granted. I specifically told my supervisor that I will not be telling my boyfriends PO about my pregnancy. My boyfriends PO had her director meet with my supervisors. My supervisors announced to parole and probation that I was pregnant. Parole and probation came to my home a few days later, accused me of lying about my relationship with my boyfriend and asked about the pregnancy. I explained to her that I am pregnant but it's my daughters dad who is the father. Two days later(this last Friday) I am put on admin leave and may be terminated for lying to law enforcement.

My supervisor admits while putting me on leave that I was clear about not wanting parole and probation to know about my pregnancy. Can they lawfully divulge that information?

While in my home, the parole officer said I had NO CHOICE but to tell her who the father of my unborn child is. This feels like an infringement of my rights?

My employer tells another agency I'm pregnant when I asked them not too(because there are two possible fathers which includes my boyfriend and my daughters dad so I was embarrassed and didn't think it was their business)
Parole and probation get that information and come to my home questioning my pregnancy and force me to name my daughters dad.

They then go back to my employer and say I'm decitful and I'm put on leave and may be terminated for lying to law enforcement.

This all sounds very bizarre and illegal to me. Sorry for the lengthy description.
My supervisor admits while putting me on leave that I was clear about not wanting parole and probation to know about my pregnancy. Can they lawfully divulge that information?


There's no way to hide it.

Besides, the omission was probably a probation violation for your boyfriend.

While in my home, the parole officer said I had NO CHOICE but to tell her who the father of my unborn child is. This feels like an infringement of my rights?

I don't think so. When you get involved with a person on probation and have him live with you, your life becomes just as much an open book as his.

This all sounds very bizarre and illegal to me.

Bizarre but I don't think anything illegal happened.

You put yourself in a position where you demanded that others lie for you and it blew up in your face.

There's no way to hide it.

Besides, the omission was probably a probation violation for your boyfriend.

I don't think so. When you get involved with a person on probation and have him live with you, your life becomes just as much an open book as his.

Bizarre but I don't think anything illegal happened.

You put yourself in a position where you demanded that others lie for you and it blew up in your face.

He's never lived with me. I never asked anyone to lie for me either.

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