Daughter had judgement made against her for lease

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New Member
My daughter was taken to court by landlord and was ruled against... she now owes over $3000 dollars. She stayed with a friend of hers and was listed on the lease as a temp. occupant for less than 10 days... she never signed anything or talked to land lord. The girl who was on the lease asked her if she could write a check for the rent since she didn't have a bank account and she would give my daughter the money. The girl left town that night, moving out and leaving my daughter there. My daughter stopped payment on the check and moved out within the week. The land lord took my daughter to court and won even though my daughter never signed a lease, and was only listed as a temp occupant. Judge and land lord are good friends. Does my daughter have any chance of appealing this judgement or should she try paying the claim. The monthly rent was only 600 but the judgement was about 3000 with lawyer fees and ect... help
Your daughter desperately needs an attorney.

That judgment will screw her in a half dozen more ways than just owing a lousy three grand.
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