Daughter injured

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Hello. My 13 year old daughter was given an immunization for meningitis that she had never had before. After she was given the shot, she stood up, crossed the room and fainted hitting her head on the metal hinge of the door.

She gashed her head open down to the bone (about two inches across) which required six internal stitches and 12 external stitches. She also had damage to her lip requiring ten stitches. Additionally, she had dental problems with her canine tooth requiring a splint and weekly visits for the next six weeks.

My question is this - whose insurance is responsible for the expenses that have occured?
Yes it is because I wasn't sure which category it would go in. Geez, I am only looking for some advice, you don't need to be snippy.
You are the only one being snippy. Duplicate posts are marked for the benefit of other responders so they will know there are answers provided elsewhere. It's not a reprimand.
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