Daughter trying to understand support laws

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I am a 23 year old young woman. I am struggling to survive on my own, and have been since my divorced parents legally abandoned me at the age of 15. During the last three years before I turned 18, There was no support or help. I dont know if my mother was receiving child support at this time. My father owes money in child support and it is taken from his paychecks and taxes. This money was meant to help me, and I have no idea where it goes when taken. Is there anyway to receive any of the back support he is paying?

I dont know if it matters, but I was receiving no state help. They knew and did nothing until I sought out foster care 6 months before turning 18. I left when I turned 18. The rest of the time, I was supporting myself, barely, and received no help from government.
I'm sorry if you weren't receiving all the "help/support" you should have but as Proserpina noted, no money is owed to you (the child). Sorry.
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