dcf/kff case odered closed but isnt

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New Member
My case was ordered to be closed officially on the 23rd of this month by a judge on the 8th. Kids first of florida also relinquished jurisdiction. However, i was told today that my caseworkers supervisor has not closed it and will not until they see my son in home one more time. Which they say will happen tomorrow. My question is how is this possible??? I thought closed was closed. Am i being harrassed?
My case was ordered to be closed officially on the 23rd of this month by a judge on the 8th. Kids first of florida also relinquished jurisdiction. However, i was told today that my caseworkers supervisor has not closed it and will not until they see my son in home one more time. Which they say will happen tomorrow. My question is how is this possible??? I thought closed was closed. Am i being harrassed?

You might be the victim of a zealous state official.
If the court has closed the case, you might so indicate to the official when you deny them entry tomorrow.
Unless the official comes bearing a warrant, or the police arrive believing there are exigent circumstances, you need not admit the visitor tomorrow.
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