Dcs violation

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New Member
DCS here in Cleveland Tennesse keeps getting bogus calls from my bipolar mother and they tell me i have to let them in or they will get the court involved and they have been out 2 different times and she did this in Michigan and they never found anything DCS will not file charges against her and they say they will remove my kids when i am doing all that i can as a parent, MY MOM IS BIPOLAR AND SHE HAS PHYSICALLY PLACED HER HANDS ON US AND A JUDGE LET HER GET AWAY WITH IT
Alrighty then.

Did you have a question or just a rant?
DCS here in Cleveland Tennesse keeps getting bogus calls from my bipolar mother and they tell me i have to let them in or they will get the court involved and they have been out 2 different times and she did this in Michigan and they never found anything DCS will not file charges against her and they say they will remove my kids when i am doing all that i can as a parent, MY MOM IS BIPOLAR AND SHE HAS PHYSICALLY PLACED HER HANDS ON US AND A JUDGE LET HER GET AWAY WITH IT
Maybe its not that the Judge let her get away with but there was lack of evidence to pursue. Regardless comply with all DCS request and sooner or later they will realize that "Mommie Dearest" is full of it and either take action on her or ignore her complaints without supporting evidence. I had a Ex step child who was forever making accusations about everyone and anyone and I became a target on several of those occasions. I did as I just instructed and they began to respond slower to the random complaints and eventually not at all.
DCS here in Cleveland Tennesse keeps getting bogus calls from my bipolar mother and they tell me i have to let them in or they will get the court involved and they have been out 2 different times and she did this in Michigan and they never found anything DCS will not file charges against her and they say they will remove my kids when i am doing all that i can as a parent, MY MOM IS BIPOLAR AND SHE HAS PHYSICALLY PLACED HER HANDS ON US AND A JUDGE LET HER GET AWAY WITH IT

If you're an adult, you're free to live anywhere, or with any other adult that wants to share their life with you.

If mother has mental health issues, she needs help. Talk to a mental health agency and see if you can get mother the help she seems to require.

Otherwise, leave ASAP, and don't look back. You're sitting on a powder keg.
You need to comply with DCS requests. If you aren't doing anything wrong, they will eventually realize your Mother's accusations are not valid. You might want to consider moving as suggested & not give your Mother your new address.
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