Deadbeat trying to get custody after 7 years.

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My ex boyfriend and I had a child 8 years ago. He has not seen or talked to our child in 7 years. He moved from where I live in Michigan to Florida shortly after our child was born. There was a long list of domestic abuse and protection orders before he left. I believe I was granted full sole and legal custody. He at one time had supervised visitation but lost that due to failed drug screen. He owes $25,000 in arrears but if they find him, he quits his job. He now is harassing me (dont know how he got my # and I am listed as confidential on court papers) telling me that he is fighting for custody and threatening my life. I've saved all the phone calls, I've never answered them. Will a judge be likely to grant his wishes with our past relationship history and the absurd amount of arrears he owes? Will a judge grant this to him even though he lives soo far away and I can't afford a lawyer or to take our child that far. Our child doesn't know him at all. Can I file a harassment charge even with him living in a different state?
He will probably never get custody. He's just yanking your chain when you pursue these clowns for child support, your informations eventually revealed on court documents. Hemay never get custody, but he's entitled to visitation, even if he fails to pay child support. You're doing the best thing by ignoring him and maintaining documentation of his annoying you. Smart move.
99.9% of the time desperate people who make ridiculous threats are doing the only thing they have left - hoping that what they say will scare someone into getting what they want. Most often it is eventually about money. Make sure to document everything as Army Judge recommends. If there are calls to your mobile, save a paper bill that shows his calls. If it's a land line call your phone company now and determine whether you can put a call trace on your calls (they keep records which you can obtain that notate calls at certain times per your log.)
Regarding our child custody and support case, I am a confidential party. My address and employer are not listed and/or blacked out on all of our paperwork. I have had numerous protection orders against him. He refused the supervised visitation and when he showed up the one time, he failed the drug screen. The judge ordered him to drop before visits. He never showed back up and I believe I had a recommendation to the courts to revoke visititation and/or suspend it. It was granted, whichever one it was. I'm just worried he will be able to gain visitation rights again. I want to prevent him from doing so. And doing so based on his actions alone.
I have voicemails and paper documents of him calling. I placed a harassment call to the police and they are going to issue an ppo. They want me to call the friend of the court and show I have a ppo against him. He said something about it going to my file for future reference. I don't really know what to do if he calls again after the ppo goes through, as I will not answer or speak to him at all.
He will likely get visitation.

Sorry - no way around that. It may be supervised at first (or even long term), but he will be allowed access to his child.
Just maintain a log and obtain verification of all of his calls, emails, or texts. You might be wise to change your number. In this day and age, even those in the witness protection program are no longer 100% secure. Your best bet is to protect yourself. Don't rely on pieces of pretty legal paper to keep you safe. You're not dealing with a civilized human.
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