My ex boyfriend and I had a child 8 years ago. He has not seen or talked to our child in 7 years. He moved from where I live in Michigan to Florida shortly after our child was born. There was a long list of domestic abuse and protection orders before he left. I believe I was granted full sole and legal custody. He at one time had supervised visitation but lost that due to failed drug screen. He owes $25,000 in arrears but if they find him, he quits his job. He now is harassing me (dont know how he got my # and I am listed as confidential on court papers) telling me that he is fighting for custody and threatening my life. I've saved all the phone calls, I've never answered them. Will a judge be likely to grant his wishes with our past relationship history and the absurd amount of arrears he owes? Will a judge grant this to him even though he lives soo far away and I can't afford a lawyer or to take our child that far. Our child doesn't know him at all. Can I file a harassment charge even with him living in a different state?