Dealer forgot to charge dealer fees and taxes

amy ama

New Member
Yesterday I traded in a vehicle and purchased a used vehicle. I paid outright for the car. I negotiated the price and waited 3 hours for the finance person to help me, he was newer and had trouble with his printer, with the computer, you name it. He could not get the numbers right and he had to call someone and finally call over a manager that helped him. Two of them worked up my deal and finally when all said and done the price came out less. I said to him are you sure the price is less? He said hmm, looked at it and said, yep, we must have made a mistake probably because you are in a different county than we originally thought. I said great well this is closer to what I wanted to spend. It took him forever. He apologized several times I said it's ok I am very patient. I pointed out to the woman that I wrote my check out to that the price is less and she looked at it. I bought the used car cash. No loan. Just trade in, credit card and cash. I even told the sales person that walked me out to the new car that the price was much less and she looked at it and said hmm must have been the county thing. They knew I was going into the hospital today I am very ill. I received a text this a.m. from the salesperson saying unfortunately you will need to make an additionally payment, the financial person made a mistake and did not charge you dealer fees and the taxes related to those so you owe another $945. I am at the hospital and could not call back but is this not their mistake. I pointed it out. Do I have to pay this? Or is it up to the financial person to eat this cost? I don't want to pay it if I don't have to. I really double checked because I did not want this to happen. I was honest and they let me leave. Can they hold my title or do anything to me? Please advise.
If your receipts and other documents note PAID IN FULL, or similar verbiage you have no legal obligation to pay a penny more.

I'm sure that won't satisfy the dealer.

I suggest you have someone contact the dealership officials and tell them you are hospitalized.

However, you'll contact them as soon as you recover.

While you're ailing, have the trusted party keep the dealership official apprised of your health, reminding them you'll contact them as soon as you recover.

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