Dealing with a shady landlord

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New Member
I have lived at my current address for over a year now and in that year I have dealt with a lot of crap from my landlord or should I say Slumlord. He has been investigated by the town by-laws officer once before I moved in and since I have lived there. After the visit the office deemed the apartment unsuitable and told the landlord he must make changes. My landlord then said he would have to do some construction that would only take 3 or 4 days which then turned into 2 months of renovations by an unlicensed contractor. I have pictures of the state of the apartment while construction was taking place but I personally never got the chance to speak with the by-law officer as my landlord made sure I was at work whenever the by-law officer was there. For the 2 months of construction I was without a bathroom for almost 3 weeks and without a kitchen for the entire 2 months. Now that the renovations are complete there are still many issues with the apartment and I no longer have a stove or any real kitchen at all. Do I have a case that I should take to a landlord-tenant lawyer where I can get my rent back for those 2 months if not more?
You have a very good case.
It would help if you took video or pictures.
But, you and others can always testify.
You might get a lot more than two months rent, especially if things are still not corrected.

Any video or picture will also help.
I have pictures of the entire apartment torn apart and pictures showing that I lived in a bedroom for 2 months, but unfortunately I do not have any video to the best of me recollection. So I should go and talk with a landlord-tenant lawyer and get restitution is what you are saying?
GoogleKid said:
I have pictures of the entire apartment torn apart and pictures showing that I lived in a bedroom for 2 months, but unfortunately I do not have any video to the best of me recollection. So I should go and talk with a landlord-tenant lawyer and get restitution is what you are saying?

You should speak with an attorney and see what remedies are available to you.

You won't get restitution from the lawyer, but you'll know how to seek it.

You could get damages from a successful pursuit of this case.

At least you have some pictures to back up the trouble this has and is causing you.
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