Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft DEAR GOD I NEED HELP? PLEASE. PLEASE.

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New Member
Okay, I know it's wrong. I'M NEVER DOING IT EVER AGAIN, IN MY LIFE. Please can we skip past the lecture part?
I'm a 15 year old girl.

I finished putting the product in my bag, and then this lady that worked there walked down the aisle. She was looking at all the things, and trying not to be obvious, I asked her if they had a product that I knew they didn't have so I could leave without buying anything. She picked up the empty box that I'd taken the item out of and stood there. I turned and left and she followed me! To the very exit of the store, with the box in her hand. She didn't say anything. She looked like she wanted to follow me, though.

I made sure it was an isle with no cameras! But they obviously have my face on one camera and saw the direction in which i turned to go home.

Do you think she knows I stole?
*if i'm caught on camera, what can they do? I didn't drive away and I don't have a record.

Thats hard to say. You see if she was store security she would have stopped you. However she did not? I suspect she was not security but just regular staff who often do not have authority to make shoplifting stops. Do not kid yourself cameras can see more than you think as they move and have zoom capabilities so its possible the whole theft was caught on tape. Even without that the woman who had box likely saw everything and that is enough to charge you as well. As I stated it odd she did not stop you so youmight be safe. However if they have any old purchases, applications etc with yoru name and address they can track you and file charges. How likely that is I cannot say. What I will suggest is you stay out of that store and Mall (if in Mall) for several months at very least. If the store maintained any evidence of theft they can arrest you next time you enter store so stay away. Right now all you can do is wait and hope they dont file charge
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