
I was involved in an accident with a pedestrian and the man lost his life I was found not to be at fault do I still have to pay the deductible to get my vehicle fixed
I was involved in an accident with a pedestrian and the man lost his life I was found not to be at fault do I still have to pay the deductible to get my vehicle fixed
Yes, you are responsible to pay the deductible to get your vehicle fixed under your own insurance. Of course, you (and/or your insurance company) can go after the dead man's estate for compensation...but is that really something you want to do?
Agree with Zigner (this time - LOL).

Christina, you might check with your claims department to see if the deductible can be waived.

If not, well, you knew you had one when you bought the policy.
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I was found not to be at fault

Found not at fault by whom?

do I still have to pay the deductible to get my vehicle fixed

If you want your auto insurance carrier to pay for the repairs pursuant to your collision coverage, then there's no reason to think you won't have to pay whatever deductible is provided for in your policy. Do you have some reason to think you might not have to pay the deductible?

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