deed help

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New Member
I am the owner of a house with my mother both names are on the deed with rights of suriviorship. well my mother passed away 2 years ago and i wanted to know how to remove her name from the deed how do i do this and what is the cost?
also if i leave my mom's name on this deed am i libable for any of her outstanding bills to get a lien on this house.
the house has no mortage on it. own outright
thank you
i wanted to know how to remove her name from the deed how do i do this and what is the cost?
Did your mom leave a will ? If so, on it, did she convey the title of the property to you?
Normally all you have to do is to take an original of the death certificate and file it with the Registrar of Deeds. They will tell you if you need to do anything different.
so having my mom's name and mine on this deed all I would need to do is go to the deeds office with a death certifacate to prove she passed on and have a new deed made?
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