New Member
I bought an apartment one year ago I put $16,000 as a down payment. The broker told me that my interest was 2.665, my payment was $541 + 117 taxes. In two weeks I received a letter saying my interest went up to 9.779. My interest payment was $1,200. This mean I was paying $541 but the rest of interest is going to my principal. In january I received a letter from the bank that my payment was going up to $1,064. The taxes went up $501. I call the bank to see if they can modify my payment they told me no. I look for counseling and they recommended to do a short sale or a Dee-in-Lieu. I tried the short sale for 3 month and applied for a Deed-in-Lieu. The bank just told me today they didn't approved, the person did not give the reaso why it was disapproved. What can I do for the bank to approved? What is my next option. How much expensive is a Forclosure. I need help. I'm a single mother with two daughter, one income.