Defamation from law enforcement officials

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I was just recently informed from a friend of mine that a local Sheriff deputy had stated to her that (referring to my brother and I) we are nothing but pieces of shi# and theives. Also stating that she is getting involved with a bad crowd. I personally have never stolen anything nor have I ever been arrested for any reason whatsoever, I have had a few speeding tickets, but that is the extent of my record. I was immediately outraged by this, are there any actions that can be taken? If so, what are they and is it worth even persuing? I normally could care less what another person states about me, but coming from a local deputy, I feel this was very out of line. Thanks, Steve
It is not against the law, or slander, to voice your opinion on someone.

You would have to prove some sort of financial loss or defamation of character.

You can call this deputy, or send them a letter, that unless he has proof that you are a thief, he needs to stop telling people that. Now there is nothing you can probably do about him telling people he dislikes you or what he thinks of you, that is his right.

Honestly unless you can prove some big financial loss, like your business has suffered because of him spreading rumours, probably not much you can do.

If you would like to see an attorney and maybe see if the attorney can help with a sternly written letter to the deputy, you can do that.
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