Defamation? Internet Privacy Infringement?

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I reside in Washington, DC where ethics and politics are arguably debated more than any other city in the world and in this city I have committed an unethical act (no worse than Tiger or Kobe) and cheated on my long time girlfriend with another female. Upon finding out about my recent engagement the other woman transformed into attack mode and began an online assault to purposely ruin my engagement. She compiled every text message and email correspondence between us and sent them to my fiance, brother, mother, and father. How she received their emails I do not know. We have all sent her emails expressing our displeasure of her actions and have asked her repeatedly to cease with the barrage of emails.
Along with her brother, I have received multiple texts threatening my individual well being. In an attempt to diffuse the situation I logged on to her email account (which she has given me the password to in the past) however this time it was without her permission and I copied and exported all of her contacts. Next, I sent her an email stating that I would make all 1356 of her contacts privy to the information she has sent to my family and I if she did not stop.
Have I broken the law? Would the repercussions be greater if I carried out my promise? Is this considered blackmail?
Please inform.
I don't think you broke the law because when one gives you a password they have given you a continuing permission to enter that account until they inform you to stay out or they change the password.

That having been said you are playing a childish game. I think if you did send out her information to her contact list you might be liable either criminally or civilly. If she is harassing you and threatening you, handle it the way you are suppose to. Send her an email that states that you are sorry but the relationship is over. If she does not cease contacting you and other you intend to get the police involved. Get the police involved if you have to and file for a restraining order.

You don't fight her by doing the same silly things she is doing.
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