Defamation of Character Threat

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New Member
I was pulled into a meeting today, and a supervisor threatened me with a defamation of character suit, because I did kinda of spread some half truths around the office, stuff like this person can not be trusted because he can stab you in the back and I don't believe he deserves his position with the company and similar contractual statements and several people have come forward saying this.

Do I have any concern from this case? Or start looking for legal help immediatly!

anybody can give me some advice would be great.

Invalid Threat

IF you were merely stating your opinion, then the person who threatened to sue you wouldn't have the legal grounds to do so. You would have had to make your statements as facts, and (in some jurisdications) the plaintiff would have to prove that you KNEW your statements were, in fact, false. Even if your case to get to trial, IMO the plaintiff would have one helluva time trying to establish a case against you, based on scuttlebutt and gossip that's common in the office environment.

You should contact a lawyer in your area, to find out what the rules are in your state. I'm only offering legal information that I have come across in my own research (and through legal consultation), which are applicable in my jurisdiction, since I am the victim of slander/defamation.
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