Defamation of Character?

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This may sound like child's play, but a Mother that I thought I was friends with, has been telling other parents that she thinks that my child is a bad influence on her son and that she thinks that my son has A.D.D. First of all my son is a normal healthy boy, who by all means isn't the best behaved child in the world. He's an only child, therefore he acts like an adult sometime and can see past other Mother's child play. This Mother has been known to go around and say bad things about other children. Stating that hers are the best behave children on the block. (they are both whiners!) But in any case that's not the point. My father has said to tell her if she keeps it up that I can sue her for Defamation of Character. I believe that what she has said has effected the other childrens mother's because he use to get phone calls, now he does not. I'd like to approach her but I'm afraid I'm going to go off the deep end and tell her to take her teachers degree and shove it where the sun don't shine. (Yes, she's a teacher, but she doesn't work, because she's home babying her own 2 children).

In any case what should I do? My Mother Lion in me says to attack, someone who messes with my little cub, should be eaten.
This is not legal Advise!!

You are having a natural reation that any normal parent has where there childeren are involved. First of all though you must try and weather the storm as long as you know in your heart that your child is fine then that is ok. As for legal action i think you are contemplating the wrong route! This is a situation that can be delt with far easier.
You have to dig deep into your adult mind to find the answer, Most of the time conflicts can be avoided and in time your wounds will heal.

Dont allow yourself to be dragged into petty convasation, you sound far too grown up for that. If you realy cannot stand the situation then avoid the confrontation by keeping well away from the people that upset you, in time they will ask what the problem is and then you can politley tell them.

Good luck, and try to stay focused for your childs benifit. Children are very clever and when you are down they are down, so try and keep smiling :)
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Well said! I give the same advice. Believe me, your child will be best friends with this Mother's kid before long! Let it work its-self out. It will. :p
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