Defamation - Slander Can anything be done

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I was working as a consultant for a company for over 1 year and was basically forced out as I was told lies from my supervisor. I later came to find out that this is a repeated pattern by the IT director with past personnel. I was told that I was being replaced by upper management but I found out later that he was the one replacing me. I have since then been speaking with various people in the company and I was informed that he ( IT Director ) has told at least one person in the company that he let me go because he caught me doing drugs in the bathroom twice. ( NOT TRUE ) This person is also known as a habitual liar within the company. Is there any recourse as a Consultant as making comments regarding the drugs?
Maybe. It depends on whether you have suffered any damages as a result of his statements (which includes presumed damages in some situations.) You should consult with an attorney asap. At the very least, a letter from an attorney to senior company management threatening legal action if they don't reign in this jerk may take care of the problem.
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