Default Judgement at Florida

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Texas

I got sue by CACH for non pay credit card in 2006. I show at the court but they told me they will call me again because I want to see proof of the debt. I move to Texas December 2006 and I didn't received any notification. Last week I received a letter from Tarrant County Texas Clerk its say they filed a Foreing Judgement. I check online and found the court of Dade county Florida made a final Judgement against me on February 21 2007. They order me to pay 2,154.60 that is more that the debt because include penalties and fee.
I want to make monthly payment.should I start send money o first try to get a settlement with them. I know they can levy my bank account but I have no money in there my only worry its my car (Hyundai accent 1998) don't worth nothing but its my transportation. I really want to pay this debt but cannot make payments more that 300 a month.
I want to make monthly payment.should I start send money o first try to get a settlement with them.

If you want to try to get them to accept monthly payments, you should try to reach a settlement with them.
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