Default of house purchase at public auction

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New Member
I am in dire need of advice. My husband bought a home at public auction without my knowledge. Although I was furious, (too late now) we had to pay the deposit of $10,000.00 non-refundable the next day with 45 days to settle. We have 12 days left and could not secure a loan due to lower income as my husband became disabled last year and is in the transition of disability from a gov. job. We then tried to get his retirement money out of his TSP account to pay for the home and that has been denied.(Not sure why yet,can only assume he is not completely off the gov. roster yet but this has been going on since 3/07 )I assume if we can't get the money out on time we will default and lose the
deposit but I am worried what else it may cost us. In default is there any extra alloted time to get the money to the seller ?, contract states settlement within 45 days. Have not contacted the seller yet to discuss any possible options, just trying dilengently to find other means or get money out of retirement. Any advice on the situation? We live in and are buying the home in MD.
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