Default on Credit card judgement

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New Member
In Feburary 2008 I was sued by a credit card company that I had not paid on in more than 2 years. I accecpted the judgement of paying off at $200 a month. However in August of 2008 I was no loger working full time and informed the law office that I would not be able to afford the $200 a month. I gave them a letter from my emplyer verifying my situation. I have continued to pay $50 monthy. They are now taking me back to court saying that I defaulted the agreement.

My question is what will taking me court do? I can't make a payment more than $50 a month, and in the coming months my work situation may change again. And now I have to day off work to go back to court.
There is nothing you can do unfortunately. If you've breached the agreement, the law firm will want to ensure that they have a judgment filed against you. The only remedy I can see is to show the firm you can pay the money in some fashion.
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