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New Member
I am wondering if what can happen if someone makes anoyonuous calls on you saying you abuse and neglect your child can defax take your child away based off of false allegations?
I am wondering if what can happen if someone makes anoyonuous calls on you saying you abuse and neglect your child can defax take your child away based off of false allegations?
This is a volunteer board. It is not Time Warner; agents are not standing by 24/7 to answer your call. It's going to take longer than two minutes for a response. If that is not acceptable to you, please feel free to pay an attorney to answer your question.

That being said, no one is going to just swoop in and take your children away without doing an investigation.
Should I not let defax in if they come to my house doing a investigation?

You are only required to allow agents f the state in your home if they produce a search warrant, and in some cases an arrest warrant.

If you don't answer your door, that's not a crime.

If DFACS wants to talk, you're not required to answer. It's always in your best interests not to talk to the authorities, especially if they want you to talk about you.
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