Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders Defending myself for the charge of failing to register as a sex offender

The procedure for the state for attempting to prove that a sex offender was not at his registered address?

The state has a far easier job than you do defending yourself.

You obey the law to the letter, or you defy the law.

Plead not guilty, admit nothing, ask the judge if you qualify for a public defender.

Sorry, there's only constant legal issues for not complying 100% with any convicted sexual offender address registration laws and living restrictions.

You did this to yourself mate, by being convicted of sexually assaulting a person(s).

This will never improve, never go away, so you'd better learn to comply.
Sex offender allegedly fights with police

"Watson was found guilty in 2012 of criminal sexual abuse of a 15-year-old, records show."

He also likes fighting with the police, apparently.

Oh my, then he added INSULT to injury.

Some might say, NOTICE it READS = "some MIGHT say" this was AGGRAVATED STUPIDITY.

Springfield Illinois Police say a 27-year-old man assaulted officers trying to arrest him Wednesday afternoon at his apartment.

Donzel L. Watson, of the 3100 block of Butler Street, faces possible charges of aggravated assault to a police officer, aggravated battery to a police officer, obstructing a police officer and criminal damage to government supported property.

Police said Watson was wanted on a warrant for failure to appear as a registered sex offender. Watson was found guilty in 2012 of criminal sexual abuse of a 15-year-old, records show.

Officers went to his apartment at 2:51 p.m. Wednesday after receiving an anonymous tip about his whereabouts. Watson wasn't home, but he showed up while officers were inside the building.

Police said Watson tried to run away and got to the door before an officer grabbed him. A struggle ensued, and both men fell to the ground in a narrow hallway.

One of the officers used a stun gun on Watson, but it didn't stop him, police said.

Officers then deployed the stun gun again, this time shooting Watson with the darts that produce an electric shock, temporarily incapacitating him.

Watson was handcuffed and placed in the back of the squad car. Along the way, Watson spit in an officer's direction but did not hit him, police said.

Police also noted that Watson kicked and broke a window in the squad car on the way to the Sangamon County Jail.

No officers were seriously hurt.
That offense was years ago. I'm not clear what the original question was. Some sort of registration violation apparently.

Seems there was a warrant for failure to register or report his address.
Law enforcement arrives to serve the warrant, dude tries to run, observant LEO intervenes, struggle ensues, taser deployed, dude fights off the taser, absconds briefly, another LEO catches dude, fight ensues, taser deployed again, struggle continues, dude is subdued, placed in patrol car, kicks out window, transported to jail, lots of charges, evidently dude posts bail, and appears to be be wondering if the entire episode was legal, as well as the registration requirement.

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