Delay a forcible entry and detainer

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New Member
i have been unemployed for some time and unable to find work and unable to pay rent and i have just went to court for a forcible entry and detainer. A few months ago i sold par of my annuity so i can pay rens and other bills but it has taken over a month to file all the paper work and another 5 weeks to get a court date. I will not be able to recive my annuity for another 2 weeks. I have no where to go and no money to move anything into storage is there away to delay or appeal the forcible entry and detainer in another court. (the forcible entry and detainer was done in the local city court house not the county court house)
The time to argue regarding an extension to avoid the forcible entry and detainer due to getting funds in the future was during your recent court hearing.

i did make that point with the judge and the land lord just said i dont want to wait and the judge just signed the FED without hesitation. I belive it was unfair that all the landlord had to say was i dont like that and the judge decided in theair favor.
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Actually it was totally fair for the landlord to say this. I'm assuming you came to court with nothing to show for owed rent except a promise that in the future, you'd have the money that you owed.

Typically the only way to stop the judge signing an order for eviction is if the tenant shows up on the court date with all of the owed rent, late fees and court costs in cash. Promises to be able to pay sometimes in the future don't hold much water in the legal system.

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