Delta variant of SARS-Covid19 "gonna get everyone NOT immune", says Mayo Clinic Doc

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Dr. Gregory Poland of the Mayo Clinic is one of the nation's leading experts on vaccines. He says he is still wearing a mask even when he steps out of his Mayo office.

"I think there is no question we are going to see a surge," he said. "In a crowded scenario, I am in a mask, indoors or outdoors."

The Minnesota Department of Health say 99% of new cases in Minnesota are in unvaccinated people, and 75% of those new cases are the Delta variant.

"It's a serious warning for us in Minnesota," he said. "We are seeing the Delta variant really take over."

Poland shared a particularly dire warning for those still unvaccinated for COVID.

"Don't be deceived that 'I got this far and I am OK.' This is a very different variant. It will find you," he said.

He is especially worried about children too young to get the vaccine, and teens whose parents are on the fence.

"We are seeing a rise in severe disease and hospitalizations among young people," Poland said.

He agrees with the American Academy of Pediatrics that, this fall, all kids should wear a mask in school, whether they're vaccinated or not.

"A mask is not a political symbol. It is a medical symbol of taking care of yourself and others," he said.

'This Virus Will Find Everybody Who Is Not Immune': Mayo Doctor's Strong Warning Over COVID's Delta Variant
The Minnesota Department of Health say 99% of new cases in Minnesota are in unvaccinated people,

Tracks with what is happening in LA County, CA.

L.A. County coronavirus spike hits alarming levels, with 10,000 infected in a week, as Delta variant spreads (

We're getting it in AZ.

Delta variant increases COVID-19 risk in Maricopa County | Arizona Emergency information Network (

"The majority of people who get the Delta variant are not fully vaccinated."
The Delta variant might just be a blessing in disguise. It can prey on the less intelligent members of the herd (those who choose to remain unvaccinated) and leave a stronger, healthier, more intelligent herd. Might solve a good part of our crime and violence problem since criminals, crazies, and low life aren't likely to get vaccinated.
Delta variant might just be a blessing in disguise. It can prey on the less intelligent members of the herd (those who choose to remain unvaccinated) and leave a stronger, healthier, more intelligent herd.

Nature often culls a herd, a tribe, a troop, etc... in the wild.

It only seems logical that nature would work the same magic among civilized, socialized beasts, too.

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