Demand full payment for car loan?

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New Member
New to this site. We live in California. My fiancée has a car loan with a credit union. The credit union states he is one payment behind on loan. The credit union has been set up for automatic checking for a year with no payments being missed. We received a notice demand for full payoff? Does the credit union have legal right to demand payment in full, although regular monthly payments have been made?
What are our options?
Q: New to this site. We live in California. My fiancée has a car loan with a credit union. The credit union states he is one payment behind on loan. The credit union has been set up for automatic checking for a year with no payments being missed. We received a notice demand for full payoff? Does the credit union have legal right to demand payment in full, although regular monthly payments have been made? What are our options?

A: Your sweetie (not you) needs to get his records together and have a nice, friendly visit with the credit union. If this is a simple mistake, they will probably correct it.
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