Denial of Continuation of Unemployment Benefits

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New Member
I received a Notice of Determination from EDD (California) saying that I was not eligible to receive benefits under Calif. Insurance Code Sec. 1256 because I quit a temporary position I had taken for two months. What actually happened was I was asked not to continue working by the client of the temp employment company, because I did not want to commit to taking a permanent position.

I did not want the permanent position because they worked over 40 hours a week, but I would have continued working at the temp position for the two months. They (the company I was working for) didn't want that.

EDD sent a letter saying that I quit the job and did not explore all reasonable solutions. That is not what happened?

My original claim was filed prior to this because I was laid off by a long time employer of twenty years.
Not wanting to commit to a permanent position is, for purposes of unemployment, the same thing as quitting. Sorry, I don't see a way out for you.
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