denied gun permit

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New Member
My husband was recently denied a lifetime gun permit because he answered honestly when asked if had every been treated by a psychologist. Ten years ago, we were having marital problems and I made him see a therapist who put him on anti-depressants for a year. Because of this, his application was denied. He is in the process of fighting this and has a court date and a hearing to appear before a judge. Now he wants to hire a lawer for $1600 to represent him. I think this is crazy and that he should just appear before the judge and explain the situation. The medical records concerning his treatment were destroyed after 7 years, so I can't believe this is even relevant. Can anyone advise us on this.... is it worth $$$ and is spending this kind of money even needed? Thanks!
I don't know much about gun permits but I would doubt he was denied a gun permit just because he had one visit to a psychologist for some depression ten years earlier. Is there more to this that we don't knwo?
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