Denied medical treatment and forced to solitary


New Member
Hello. I have suffered a very traumatic event during the covid-19 epidemic during my incarceration. I was wondering what the professionals would suggest a do. Here is my story, I will keep it brief.

I was incarcerated during the covid-19 pandemic, during this time I tested positive and was forced to move to a super maximum security prison, during this 4-5 day transition i development an extremely painful infection (Pericoronitis) I was refused showers, phone calls, and medical treatment. I tried to get help for this infection but they said there's nothing they could do. I was refused ibuprofen something commonly offered to inmates with pain. It pain was immense and relentless. I suffered for days and made several attempts for help, with no luck. I can't forget the days I suffered it effects my mental heath along with other abuse from the D.O.C.

I would like to see the doc make changes so that no human has to suffer neglect like this again.
Thank you for reading, I hope someone has some advice for me.
What you endured is regrettable.

For those who might not know what peroconitis is, read this:


Your issue is proving ALL that your allege.

Absent such cold, hard proof, nothing will happen.

I suggest you thank whatever you revere and be happy you survived to tell the story.

The moral here is obey their laws and live long and prosper among free society.

Don't engage in behaviors or consort with people who don't obey their laws, lest you risk losing your freedoms and/or your life.
Good advice, I wish I focused more on that when I was in my youth.
Do you think it's possible to FOI my whole file from the prison, it should include all my requests for medical treatment, and maybe I can FOI the security cameras in the locations of the places I was held. Would I be able to take that somewhere or pay someone to do it?
Thank you for your response.

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