I live here is california in sanbernardino county and I am having a big problem with a judge. First, I was sent a notice of a pending lein sale on a harley davidson and I denied the lein. Because this mechanic had my bike over 2 years and then filed an action in small claims with out having me served and I didn't know about the case until I got a notice through the mail. I filed a motion to vacate but my mail was forwarded to my new location and didn't have enough time to subpoena my witnesses nor get ready for the date that was set on the 14th. I couln't make it. I had faxed in a motion for a continuence on the hearing but the judge denied it and motioned for it to be taken off the calander. And, now that I filed for an appeal the court clerck told me that I can't appeal cause he took it off the calander. What do I need to do next. I need some help asap. please. This judge is just flat out predijuce againts me. I deserve to have my side heard. thankyou