Denied my urine

RaQuel Mitchell

New Member
I went in for a UA and the lady denied because she sniffed it. The temp was correct and all. I believe that was not her job to sniff and deny it. When the temp is right you should send it off and let that determine if its a fail or not. She cost me a good job and now i have to move. I feel i was racially profiled b/c im black and i live in a legal state. What should i do?
And even if i did use other pee if it unsupervised why you peeping through the little window you set the pee in. That my thing.
What should i do?

"Homo Sapiens" urine has a very distinct odor.

Normally urine is clear with a straw-yellow color.

The odor of urine RECENTLY expelled from the body can vary somewhat, in most cases, it is absent a strong odor.

As the urine sample dehydrates over time, it becomes more concentrated.

The urine starts to emit a stronger ammonia-like scent than normal.

The odor of female urine is also different than male urine to a "trained" nose.

Start today to change your life and STOP using substances that aren't legal under federal law.

That vegetable matter SOME people eat and smoke has a very distinct odor, that can't be concealed.

In essence, it doesn't take a canine's olfactory nerves to distinguish crack, snow, powder, horse, Mexican brown, or that green, leafy vegetable matter; a human trained in "drug identification" can smell that junk from 10-15 feet away.

That malodorous junk also lingers in a vehicle, a home, a hotel room, or even on the clothing a person wore YESTERDAY!
I went in for a UA and the lady denied because she sniffed it.

Huh? Where did you go for this? What lady are you talking about? What does "the lady denied" mean? Denied what?

She cost me a good job

How so?

I feel i was racially profiled b/c im black

You feel you were racially profiled? What is the factual basis for your belief? Or are you just assuming that anything bad that happens to you is racially motivated?

i live in a legal state.

A legal state? Are you suggesting that there are states that aren't legal?

What should i do?

You're going to have to explain what happened with a much greater degree of clarity for anyone to offer you anything useful.
I ment marijuanna is legal in this state. I feel like i just posted something on FB and got all these responses because i mention something racial. Like yall lawyer dont come across real racist situation. When this really can be a real fact. Beside the worker was black. I do not use drugs. Period if i fail the drug test because i was on drugs i would take that lick but i dont. I would shame myself searching for legal help.
I ment marijuanna is legal in this state. I feel like i just posted something on FB and got all these responses because i mention something racial. Like yall lawyer dont come across real racist situation. When this really can be a real fact. Beside the worker was black. I do not use drugs. Period if i fail the drug test because i was on drugs i would take that lick but i dont. I would shame myself searching for legal help.
Honestly...if you want to be advised properly try writing in at least somewhat comprehensive English.
You did not give any information that supports this being a racial issue.

Your limited information has led us to draw conclusions that may not be true to your situation, but you did not describe anything that sounds unusual or suspicious.
Honestly...if you want to be advised properly try writing in at least somewhat comprehensive English.


Like yall lawyer dont come across real racist situation. When this really can be a real fact.

We're all aware that racism exists in the world, but that's a meaningless fact in any particular case. I asked you what the factual basis was for your belief that you were racially profiled. To respond to that by saying, "racism exists in the world," tells me you have no factual basis for it.

All that said, and given that you made no effort to provide a more clear and coherent explanation of what happened, the only reasonable response to your question is that you should move on with your life and seek employment elsewhere.

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