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"Homo Sapiens" urine has a very distinct odor.

Normally urine is clear with a straw-yellow color.

The odor of urine RECENTLY expelled from the body can vary somewhat, in most cases, it is absent a strong odor.

As the urine sample dehydrates over time, it becomes more concentrated.

The urine starts to emit a stronger ammonia-like scent than normal.

The odor of female urine is also different than male urine to a "trained" nose.

Start today to change your life and STOP using substances that aren't legal under federal law.

That vegetable matter SOME people eat and smoke has a very distinct odor, that can't be concealed.

In essence, it doesn't take a canine's olfactory nerves to distinguish crack, snow, powder, horse, Mexican brown, or that green, leafy vegetable matter; a human trained in "drug identification" can smell that junk from 10-15 feet away.

That malodorous junk also lingers in a vehicle, a home, a hotel room, or even on the clothing a person wore YESTERDAY!

Enter the color of milk?