My daughter needed braces, and her father and I each had a dental policy. We figured that it would run about 2500.00 that insurance would not cover and we would split it. I lost my job, and the only one I could get was 20k a year less. I now qualified for medicaid. I do not want my ex husband to know I am on assistance because he would tell my children, and this is temporary. He now wants to give me $500 to pay on her braces. I told him to just wait to see what the insurance is going to pay, but he wants to give me a check made out to myself so I can pay the orthodonist(since my ex and I live in different counties) I don't know how to get out of taking his money, but I don't want him to know that our kids are on assistance, and medicaid will pay the balance, but if he insists on me taking the money, and I do, is that legal or can I get into trouble? He is and always has been current on child support, however this is the first time he has ever offered to pay an additional expense even though he is suppoe to pay 1/2 of all unpaid medical/dental bills.