Dentist unused credit to small claims!

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New Member
My dental office from 2 years ago, financed my dental work via Unicorn Financial for 1500 dollars which they used for ACTUAL WORK about 1113 dollars, the leftovers I had to still pay according to Unicorn, and I was adviced 2 times to collect the refund from my dental office. After 7 requests to the dental office, transferred calls, never returned calls, after they admitted owing me the 380+, it is still unpaid. I have let it go asking them every time to pay and after they promised me to pay. Can I take this to the small claims? Anyone has any experience on similar cases?


Absolutely you can take them to small claims court. If you borrowed $1500 that went to them for work, and only $1120 went for work, they OWE you a refund. Send them a letter giving them 10 days to pay you the refund or you will file suit. You will get your refund without having to go to court.
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