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  • I went to dental college for the new denture implant. From day 1they knew this was my intention. I have lawyer but he said he umalpractice lawyer. He is friends my sister. so he wants me pay for dentist expert. This cost over 2500.00 plus filing fee.Im on disability have no way of paying that. Now it's a time sensitive lawsuit. I'm wondering if I need lawyer that will pick up the cash to cover
You can call around to malpractice lawyers and talk it over.

I suspect, however, that a malpractice lawyer is not going to front the money for an expert witness unless the case involves a potentially large award or settlement and liability is pretty clear.

Having had dental implants of my own last year, I don't see big money in a case for implant failure due to negligence. Especially if all you need is to have it redone.

I had also checked on dental colleges and avoided them when I read the disclaimers so there's that issue as well.

Make a few calls and see how it goes.
I have lawyer but he said he umalpractice lawyer.


I'm wondering if I need lawyer that will pick up the cash to cover

You didn't really say so, but I assume you want to sue the dental college and/or one of the dentists or dental students who treated you for malpractice. If you want to do that successfully, you'll need an attorney, and you'll need an expert witness to testify in support of your claim. If you can't find a lawyer willing to advance the expert witness's fee, then that's a strong indication that you don't have a good case.
This is apparently another poster who cannot write simple sentences and explain exactly what's going on, but can certainly waste time creating a creepy avatar. :rolleyes:

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