Long story, short. In 1994 I was ordered to pay $300mo child support on my four children. In 1998 I received court ordered custody of two of them. In 1999 a modification was ordered. The modification ordered I pay my arrears of $9k at $150 mo and on going support was not ordered because I had custody of two of the children and the CP of the other two forced me to sign over my parental rights for the other two before the CP would cooperate with the custody change. In 2005 my arrears were paid and DORCSE actually sent money back, where I had overpaid. Later in 2005 or 2006, I can't remember exactly. They began income deduction again. They were going by the original order and the modification order and deducting $450 mo from my salary. Then began compounding my arrears again clear back to 1994. Suspended my drivers license and have threatened to have me arrested for contempt. When I contacted them to inform them of their mistake, I was told "a modification doesn't stop or alter the original order and the modification meant I had to pay more". Now they have taken thousands of dollars more from me and I don't think they have the legal athority to do so. What should I do???