Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft department store civil demand

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New Member
I was caught with a wallet, worth just under $50, in MA. As soon as I had left the store, an LP officer came up to me and led me to a security room where he searched and questioned me, then had me sign a paper saying i took the item, a trespass notice (2yr) and a civil demand for $350.
I called the dept store again today and asked if I could pay it in person (I am 17 and would prefer my parens not to find out). The LP officer said yes.

Will a letter still be sent home, and after I have paid the fine, will any further action be taken?

thank you so much.
The LP might have been in error on this. Depending on policy when the LP files his report and automatice request to seek Civil Demand is done. This could mean that the letter will come anyways. Be sure if you pay you get a letter from someone in authority what the money is for and its paid in full
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