Deposit: 30 day payback and damage not yet fixed

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New Member
Our tenants just moved out. There are some damages needed repairs but we are traveling and will not be able to have them fixed within 30 days. Can we withhold part of the deposit based on verbal estimates of the repair people and then have the damages fixed later? If the actual amounts will be more, we will take a loss, but what if the repair amounts will be less, do we have to pay back the tenants? Also, do I have to show the repair invoice to prove to the tenants?
Georgia landlord tenant law requires providing this information within 30 days of tenants vacating the rental units:

Best to get written estimates from the repair people to send to the former tenants before this 30 day deadline.

Do you have to provide written estimates to former tenants in Georgia? No; however, by doing so you can often stepside their attempt to sue you for what they believe is an amount unfairly withheld from their security deposit.

In addition, as stated in the attached Georgia does allow for landlords to sue if the damages end up being greater than initially estimated.

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