Deposit plus Lease Questions

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Hello I live in Redding California.

Before I start this long topic/post I will like to start with this:

-2 pets
-Lawn Maintenance service included.

We are about to move out of this house in a week and the Landlords and I had a meeting at the property i am currently renting and currently living in. A preliminary Walk-thru was made on may 3 2010. And the Landlords mentioned the Bark surrounding some bushes and trees, they ask me "where is the Bark?" I sed, "I don't have no clue, you should ask the guy you are paying to do the lawn maintenance here". So we went inside the house and they start looking here and there and they told me about the Air Filter needed to be changed. Also they told me I needed to get a professional carpet cleaner to clean the carpet because of me having Dogs inside the house, and that the house will be left with dog hair and dandruff. His exact words were "My Wife is very allergic to animal hair, and the presence could make her very ill.

So a letter was sent to me 3 days after with a check off list of things I need to get done/fixed prior to move out date in order to get back my full deposit.

Please Read:

During our preliminary walk-thru on the above date, the following items need to be addressed:

1. The dinette area (off the kitchen) needs painting on the walls.
2. The sun room glass doors need painting around the bottom of the doors.
3. The wood work around the bedroom doors in the hallway needs to be touched up.
4. The air conditioning vent in the hallway ceiling needs dusting and a new filter installed.
5.The backyard and the side-yard and the front yard need to be weeded around all of the plants and bushes. The Bark also, needs to be replaced around all of the oleanders in the backyard.

And then he writes on another page:
Before the final walk-thru on may 18 2010, the house need to have the following standard items cleaned:

Kitchen/Dinette area- Sink, cabinets, Refrigerator, Stove, Microwave, Floor, chandelier, and windows (inside only)

SUNROOM- Floor, glass doors and windows (inside only)

Dinning Room- Chandelier and windows (inside only)

Greatroom and Den-
Cabinets and desk dusted and windows cleaned (inside only)

Bathrooms- (both bathrooms) Tub, shower, sinks, mirrors, cabinets and floors to be cleaned.

ALL 3 Bedrooms-
windows cleaned (inside only), closets cleaned out.


GARAGE- washer/dryer cleaned inside and out, cabinets cleaned and dusted out, garage floor to be swept or blown out.

So here is the thing dear friends. This house is a nice House on a Rich community are and my landlords are around their 70's and they made a lease for 6 months with the option to renew it, but sadly one of the landlords had an Accident in January and now he has back problems and the house he is currently living in is a two story house and this one is a one story house so with that been sed they can not do another 6 month lease because they need to live in this house due to his back problems.

Now, I don't have any problems with the items mentioned above from 1. to 4. But item number 5. seems like he just trying make me spend time and money on something that I am not responsible for it.

We have paint to do the touch ups around the house. And for just us just living here for 6 months the house is like exactly in the same conditions that when we moved in. Of course we hang pictures and frames and such and such I mean who doesnt. lol...

Also he mentions that the carpet needs to be cleaned by a professional, he even gave me the guy's business card. But we bought this Carpet Cleaner Machine at costco for $200 bucks and it really does the Job! So we are planning on cleaning the carpet with it, But even knowing that on the Lease doesn't say we have to get a professional to clean it he still wants me to get ONE anyways!!

So my question regarding carpet cleaning, as a tenant do I have to clean it before leaving the house? or is it part of normal tear and wear? I meen we still are going to clean it ourselfs regardless but I just need some advice on this matter.

Please note that our dogs have always been on the back yard and never let into the house at all. ( i mentioned it to the landlord already but he still wants a professional cleaner lol.)

Now, My Two golden Retrievers have kept the yard in good condition of course they step on the grass and such but we pick up the dog poop every 2 days try to keep it as clean as possible so the Lawn Maintenance guy can do his trimming around the bushes cut the grass, etc, etc every week But for some reason the BARK surrounding the oleanders disapeared and now he wants me to replace it, even knowing that i don't even do the Lawn Maintenance.

Should I replace it? Should I put new Bark? I sed replace it but there is no BARK right now. But on the letter says "Replace".

I am about to send him a letter about what I have mentioned in this POST. But I will hold up untill I get some responses from some of you .

P.S- Before giving the keys back on may 18 2010 I will take picture before and after we have cleaned, etc, etc. Even take video just to be on the safe side.

Best Regards,
Item five does seem to be a bit much.

But, if it avoids a dispute over your deposit, it's probably easier to do it and eliminate any quibbling, so as to rapidly facilitate the return of your full deposit.

Otherwise, they'll gouge you for the deposit.

I expect he's getting you to do a little yard work in advance of his moving into the house.

You don't have to do it, but he'll try and keep most of your money if you don't.
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Thanks for your fast reply. So what about the carpet? Do you think I need to hire the person he recomended to me? Or should I go ahead and do it myself?

Thanks Again.
Tunaga said:
Thanks for your fast reply. So what about the carpet? Do you think I need to hire the person he recomended to me? Or should I go ahead and do it myself?

Thanks Again.
You could hire his shill, or another competent professional.
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