Consumer Law, Warranties Deposit Versus Supposed Oral Agreement

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My husband and I gave a check as a deposit on a travel trailer we found on an RV lot. He told us this would give us First Right to Refusal if someone else came by to see it and was also interested in it. The salesman told us how much the sales price was and even drove out to the KOA campground where we were staying to look at our trailer and tell us how much trade-in they would give us. He said to think it over and give him a couple in the next couple of days. We called today and now he tells us that he had give an oral agreement of First Right of Refusal to another guy over the telephone. We have nothing in writing because it never occurred to us after giving him the deposit check that there would be anything in question. Can anyone who knows Washington state law tell me if we have a leg to stand on in this situation. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
You have no damages.

No damages, no case.
Well, the damages are that we lose out on this great sale because the salesman is a liar I guess. He told us we had first rights to it and now he is renigging on his word and I only say this because obviously he wouldn't have take a check from me and told us that if he had actually already given this supposed oral agreement to the other party. But I guess that doesn't count much in the real world does it?
Q: Well, the damages are that we lose out on this great sale because the salesman is a liar I guess. He told us we had first rights to it and now he is renigging on his word and I only say this because obviously he wouldn't have take a check from me and told us that if he had actually already given this supposed oral agreement to the other party. But I guess that doesn't count much in the real world does it?

A: Correct. No damages, no case.
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