Criminal Records, Expungement Desposition lost

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New Member
In 1973 I was arrested for grand larceny the judge withheld adjudication I recieved one year of probation.I try to buy a gun but was told fdle said they had look into it after a week vender still had no answer.I went to fdle web site and saw my arrest record call them they told me they had arrest records only.Went to the sheriffs office did a background check it didnot show up. Called the cleck of court they had no desposition how could they lose my record and could this prevent me from buying a gun.
Well I sent my fingerprint card to the FBI received a letter saying the same thing as FDLE arrest record only.Called FDLE back I was told call states attorney office they might have my records they said they did not.They said call cleck of the court and they have no records at all.
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