Did I get bad advice???

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I live in Salt Lake City. I was parked in a private parking lot at my apartment. I had a sticker to park there. It was after dark, and I walked out to get in my suv as I always do. I checked the rearview and backed out. Boom! Turns out a young man in a dark-colored, low-to-the-ground sedan had parked illegally, without a sticker, directly behind me, so that I couldn't see him clearly by glancing into my rearview mirror. I damaged the side panel of his car, but there was no damage to my suv. I appologized, but told him it was his fault as he parked negligently and I could not see his car. Although I was insured, we only exchanged business cards and cell numbers.

He called me to tell me that the damage to his car was near $2,000 and I was responsible for paying it. I thought this was ridiculous, and per the advice of friends in the insurance industry, did not respond to anymore of his *ridiculous* claims. He reported it to his insurer, and I still didn't respond per the advice of my friends. Now, his insurer has sent me a letter saying I owe them close to $2,000 for an accident with no documentation that I don't believe was my fault. The insurer is telling me that they will refer my debt to a collection agency.

Do they have any leg to stand on? What action should I take now?
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