Did not recieve deposit back or any letter

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New Member
The landlord told us to leave her our forwarding address for her to send our deposit. It has now been six weeks and havent heard from her. At two weeks I sent her a certified letter to confirm she had our address and it shows she received the letter. I asked for her to return my deposit and send an itemized letter to show if she was not returning all of it. To this day she has not replied to my letter. I have looked on the internet and do not know if I can sue her for double in louisiana or not? Do I send her another letter?

Thanks in advance
I don't know about double, but you certainly can sue for the deposit. You likely can sue for more than the actual deposit. The punitive damages are supposed to persuade landlords to take care of business before it gets that far.

Are you anywhere near the landlord. Are you able to go knock on the door? That's what I would do before going to court. Exhaust all means possible before you try court.
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