Dirty Old Landlord

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New Member
I'm a section 8 voucher holder and I moved into my apartment in Sept.of 07. In Oct. of 07 I begin to have problems with the building and him entering my apartment without permission. Section 8 promised him a rent amount that wasn't giving to him so he decided to sue me for the remaining balance. I was never informed that I was Being sued until section 8 broke my lease because the apartment was unlivable on his behalf. I have pictures of this. I found out I was Being sued when I moved out and found a letter under my couch where he came in and left it. I was never giving these papers in hand. Two weeks later I got mail from a bankrupt lawyer telling me to file so I can get this off of my records. I also believe the section 8 later paid him what he sued me for. Is any of this fair to me?
Some of this makes no sense.

Under Section 8 you are allowed a certain amount (i.e., your "voucher") that this program will pay directly to your landlord. As a general rule, this is typically 70 percent of the rent that Section 8 has deemed reasonable for your area based on the number of bedrooms the unit has. You are responsible for the remainder of this rent.

As you saying that you did not pay your share of the rent and the landlord is suing you for this? If so, he can do exactly this. And you can be removed from the Section 8 program is you fail to pay your share of the rent.

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