discarmination for being hiv

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i started a new job 3 weeks ago and have now since left,this was due to the fact that the rest of the staff found out i am HIV,2 of the girls made it quiet clear that if i did not leave they would tell their families which i found quite distressing in this day and age,they where assured that there was now worry of them catching it off me or anyone else but this was to no avail,i was left with a very bitter taste in my mouth,feeling humiliated,depressed,embarrassed,victamissed and discriminated.do i have any legal rights with regards to this? the owner of the place i worked new about my condition when i was 1st diagnosed and this was not a problem the only time it became a problem is when my nice e-mailed all the girls in work and told them about my condition.
It sounds like you left voluntarily. You were not fired or otherwise forced to quit. No, I don't believe you have much of an argument to make over this.
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