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If you were able to discredit the defendant in a custody case (proving their lies after lies), what would happen?
Believe it or not, courts expect parents to lie on the stand in a custody dispute.

So, how about some details?
If you were able to discredit the defendant in a custody case (proving their lies after lies), what would happen?

It would take much, much more than that to wrest custody from a bum like that.
I mean Lies about everything, and anything to make them look better to the Judge while the other party has proven to always tell the truth.
...really, what are you asking?

(No, I didn't read your prior posts before responding).

Help us help you.

Essentially though, all that generally happens is the parent lacks credibility in the eyes of the court.

So, what it is you wish to accomplish? What exactly is going on?
@ Proserpina: sorry about being so vague, I have proof of my ex's many lies, which is just one of the things that I have against my ex. I however have been know to tell the truth even if that truth makes me look like I was a bad person. I just can't bring myself to lie. my ex has. I now have proof of my ex's lies from our last hearing. and I have more proof of his potential lies to come (i only say this because my ex will tell me something close to the truth and a year or so later will deny they ever said it). along with the lies I have my ex on parental alienation, emotional abuse, uncontrollable rage, and passes our child onto other people rather than asking me, my ex doesn't have time for our child yet wants the title of custodial parent or not to pay child support, or both. the whole story would take more than 50 pages to tell, and I know that because I already have it written up and still adding on to it.

@ Army Judge: how much more are we talking about? does any of the stuff I stated above qualify?

and I guess my next question is, how much lying is consider too much for a custody case?
The standard to be a parent is very low. Why? Society pretends to care about children and old people. in reality, society doesn't care about either group. If it did, old people wouldn't be forced to eat cat food to survive. And, children wouldn't become sexual targets at age 16.

People lie all the time.

Bobby can tell Billy that he'll help him cut his lawn. When the time comes to cut the lawn, Bobby fails to show up. It was a lie, but it is not a crime.

Now, if Sally lies under oath in court about a material fact, that is a crime. It is perjury.

If someone is lying under oath in a court of law bring that to the attention of the court or the police authorities. But, be prepared to prove it, not just assert it.
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Thank you! That's what I was trying to get at. my ex has lied under oath, and I know for a fact that he will Lie again under oath, since my ex is confident that I can not prove the lies. when I can! so, if my ex's lies more than one time under oath, what would a Judge do seeing that my ex has little respect for the truth by incessantly lying?
Thank you! That's what I was trying to get at. my ex has lied under oath, and I know for a fact that he will Lie again under oath, since my ex is confident that I can not prove the lies. when I can! so, if my ex's lies more than one time under oath, what would a Judge do seeing that my ex has little respect for the truth by incessantly lying?

Perjury, if proven, is a crime; a very serious crime.

Perjury got former president Clinton disbarred.

Perjury is a felony.

People can go to prison for committing perjury.

If a person is in prison, they can't be a custodial parent, can they?

I suggest you discuss your findings with your attorney or your county prosecutor. You can't communicate them directly to the judge because such communications would be unethical.
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