Discrimanatory Practice?

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I am a female working in Florida for a company for 3 years. During these 3 years, I have gotten good reviews, but no raises. The reviews were delayed well over review deadlines with one being at 18 months. The excuses that I have received have been that there was not enough money to give raises, that I made too much already ( there is no ceiling cap in either our P&P nor employee handbook), and just a flat out no. Another employee, a male, started working in the same office. He got his review at exactly one year and was given a 5% increase. The reason why I know this is because he told everyone. I believe that this is total and blatant discrimination, but I am not sure how to procede at this point. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Have there been other males who got raises and no female raises. If your going down the discrimination road you need to be able to backup your claims
You're going to need more to support a discrimination claim than that A male got a raise and you didn't. You're going to need some evidence that the ONLY reason you didn't get one, is that you are female.
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